Tomorrow evening, Mitzy, Dixie, and Teddy Bear will be our guests!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Bye Frida!
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Big Tex
He showed a little spunk in the house yesterday during his first hour or so, but since then has become as calm as can be. He's a big snuggler and at night he weasles his way under the blankets to keep warm and cuddle with us. We can completely trust him around the house and he's very good natured with Orion's consistent barks of "play with me!"...
...and Cassie's constant kisses!
I'm starting to think that she's just one big flirt!
And I'll leave you with this seems we've finally caught the three headed dog that dwells in these parts!
Cringe at its glowing eyes of terror!!
Coming soon: Bath Time for TEX!
Friday, January 25, 2008
See you later!

But by afternoon, she was ready to have some fun! Can't spend your entire vacation thinking about the past.
Frida, Orion and Cassie spent a nice warm evening by the fire, fetching tennis balls, chewing on rope toys, and playing tug of war.
Today we're having another guest drop by for the weekend. His name is Tex and his dad should be bringing him by any moment now.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Rainy Days!
We've been wanting to take the dogs for a long walk at the park, but it's been so cold and rainy! So instead of a long, winding walk amongst the trees, we (and the dogs) have to settle for short, windy walks around the block. So they've been expending their energy indoors (which is fine by's COLD out there!)
Casey is a frisky gal. She LOVES chasing the tennis ball and bringing it back to you.
When they get tired of the ball, wrestling is usually their next activity. They run ALL over the place, jumping on couches and off onto the floor, then sliding on the floor into one another.
Then, they're pooped. And onto the couch they go to relax and catch up on some beauty sleep. (Don't worry, they usually leave a few inches for us on the end)
Who said rainy days inside have to be boring?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Goodbye Farley!

Lucky Dog offers bathing and other grooming services that benefit CTSPCA! One bath here at Lucky Dog will provide two vaccinations or one week of food for a deserving dog waiting for a new home :)
The dogs weren't very interested in going outside today. Maybe it was something in the air, or maybe they just wanted to watch football :P Either way, they spent most of their time relaxing with us on our couch. (Now you know why our couch is so long).
Frida likes to hang out on the back rest of the couch with our cat, Phoenix. She's ever so gradually taking over his spot.
We know this is a late post, but we were caught up in the big game. GO GIANTS!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dog Park Day

Farley is doing much better today and has settled in nicely. He and Orion don't exactly see eye to eye, yet, but he gets along really well with everyone else. He'll do anything to get you to throw the ball for him to fetch and he so well trained that it's a pleasure to work with him.

Cassie has decided that she REALLY likes Casey's bed (as well as Casey, I might add). She jumps in the bed and then looks at Casey like 'Hey, when are you going to jump in?'

Cassie: I want to lick you!

All in all, the days are good and the doggies are even better.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Oscar, Casey, and Farley

They may be the elders of this group, but once they want to play -- they're up and at 'em.
Our other guest is this handsome boy...
His name is Farley and he's a good boy. He has a few aggressive tendencies towards our two dogs (my guess is because they're relatively the same size). He's a little toy possessive and has had minor rows with them over who gets to walk through doors first and such. We're working through it and he's not a real threat...he just needs some patience and some help feeling more comfortable in this environment. He does very well with the small dogs, though, and absolutely LOVES Frida. She doesn't really pay any attention to him though. She only has eyes for Oscar. Sorry, Farley. Love hurts, big guy. <3>
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Adventures in the Country
Friday, January 11, 2008

I took her for a long walk early this morning down our street and she had a blast! I think she likes going for walks a lot more than playing in the yard. She seems to feel a lot more comfortable on lead.
You may not believe it, but Frida and Phoenix (our white cat) have become fast friends. I have to get some good pictures of the two of them playing. I think Phoenix even keeps her company while we're out :)
Until next time!